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[Blindfold Club 01.0] Three Simple Rules Page 4
[Blindfold Club 01.0] Three Simple Rules Read online
Page 4
They weren’t bashful. Two of them laughed and told jokes with all their business hanging out. Some of them were watching as if judging me. I hurried to catch up, pulling the silver dress over my head. I couldn’t wear a bra since the dress was backless, so that one move told them I came to play.
I stepped out of my underwear and heels so I was as naked as a jaybird, and shrugged into the soft robe. Payton slid an arm into her own robe and cinched it shut as she gave me a wink. In spite of everything, I cracked a smile.
My bare feet were cold on the stairs as I descended in a single-file line, and then marched determinedly down the long hall to my room.
“Enjoy yourself, Evie,” Payton whispered as she passed by. “If you like it, he’ll fucking love it.”
I stared at the brass number four attached there, wondering what the hell was going to happen to me behind that door.
I turned the knob and pushed the door open.
There wasn’t a bed in the room softly lit by a crystal chandelier. Taking the center of the space was a long table with a leather cushion top, similar to a doctor’s office, but . . . decidedly less clinical. It was, for lack of a better word, sexy. Every inch of the walls and ceiling were covered in alternating textures of black fabric in an intriguing sequence. A clever disguise for soundproofing. In the corner sat a white wingback chair I knew wasn’t for me. There was an easel with a dry-erase board on it. My willing list in big, easy to read print.
The door latched behind Tara, and I was gripped with full-body terror.
“Can I take your robe for you?”
Her voice was like honey. My clumsy hands undid the knot at my waist and let it slide off my shoulders, catching it in my hands. It felt like real silk. I handed it over and watched her hang it on a hook behind the door.
“Is it warm enough in here?” she asked. “I can adjust the thermostat.”
She must have asked because I was trembling. “I’m fine.”
Tara’s hand was warm when she set it on my arm in a friendly way. “You’ve got a beautiful body, and I’m not going to have a hard time finding a buyer for you. But it’s your first time here, so don’t worry. I’ll find the right buyer. One who deserves you.”
It was a simple gesture, but it calmed me.
“Do you mind?” Tara gestured to the table. I took a deep breath and sat down, and was surprised to discover the table was soft. “Scoot back and lie down, please.”
As I did so, I steadied my breathing. This was happening, deal with it. Tara bent down and opened a cabinet beneath the table, and when she stood, she had two pieces of black fabric in her hands. The first I recognized – a blindfold. The second was a long swath of black ribbon that disappeared over the side of the table.
“I’ll show you how this works.” She dropped the blindfold beside me and held up the ribbon. “Can I have your wrist?”
I held up my hand, and she wrapped the end of the ribbon around it, pressing it closed.
“Velcro?” I asked.
“It’s strong. You won’t be able to undo it with one hand, but if your client wants to, it’s easy.” She undid it and handed me the blindfold. “It’s time.”
Oh, god. I slipped the elastic over the back of my head and then lowered it over my eyes so everything was black.
“Make sure it’s where you want it. You won’t be able to adjust it in a minute.”
I did as she suggested, putting the elastic behind my ears. My breathing increased when her hand closed around my right wrist and strapped it down to the table.
“Can you test that for me?”
I tried to lift my arm but could only move it a few inches. Her high heels clicked softly on the floor as she rounded the table to stand on the other side. It took no time for her to do this one.
The modest part of me cringed inside. Yet there was a darker part that was turned on. It’s better to have regret of what you’ve done, than what you failed to do, it whispered.
“How are you?” she asked. “Does your nose itch? My nose always itched as soon as I was bound.”
“Well, now it does,” I replied. She laughed and ran her fingers over my nose, and then they were gone.
“Room four is ready,” she said in a hushed voice, obviously not to me. She must have an earpiece as well. Her heels tapped out a slow rhythm away, and I heard her sink into the chair.
There were a million thoughts running through my mind while we waited in silence. The straps weren’t uncomfortable, but they weren’t great, either. I wanted to get on with it even as I was petrified. What if he wanted to start with one of the three boxes I’d checked at the last minute? Disaster, that’s what would happen.
I heard the door swing open and I stopped breathing. Heavy footsteps entered, and I could make out his raspy breathing.
“Good evening, sir,” she said. “Can I show you what I’m featuring tonight?”
“Yeah,” he said. The heavy footsteps plodded closer. “Good lord, I think they get better with each room.” He had a southern accent.
“I don’t know, I think you’ll find she’s the peak. And she’s an exclusive.”
“What’s that mean?”
“She’s here for one night only. She can be yours alone.”
They lapsed into silence for a moment before Tara spoke again. “You don’t sound like you’re originally from here.”
“Oh? Bet the traffic took some getting used to.” So, he was fugly, as Payton had put it. Maybe he could put up top dollar and be done in five minutes . . .
He sighed. “She’s real pretty and all, but I’d kind of like to see them all before making a decision.”
“Of course,” she said in her honey-sweet voice. I heard the door open and close. “Thanks for telling me he’s showrooming,” she grumbled, again I assumed into the earpiece. “Okay, got it.”
It sounded like she returned to the chair.
Without my vision, it felt like hours had passed.
I waited.
And waited.
But the door never creaked open. I tried counting in my head to distract myself. What if no one else came? Whoring myself out was bad enough; what if no one wanted me?
“Tara?” I asked, panic rising in me. It had to have been at least thirty minutes, and I worried she’d left and I hadn’t heard her, or she’d fallen asleep.
“Does it usually take this long?”
“No, but we’ve . . . run into a situation.”
What? “What kind of situation?”
“Someone’s requested a hold be put on you. He’s not a member of the club, and only members have that privilege.”
My heart leaped into my throat, making it difficult to breathe. Blake. Was he going to screw this up for me? Was he going to come in here and have me? The door swung open abruptly, and there was a sharp intake of breath that made me tremble.
“Good evening, sir,” Tara said. “I believe this is what you’ve been waiting for.”
“Yes.” It was almost inaudible, making it impossible to recognize.
“She’s an exclusive, one-night only experience. Please, take a closer look.”
His footsteps were quiet as he came near. I had to remind myself to breathe, to relax.
“Are you a sports fan, sir?” Tara asked.
“I’m sorry?” he said, sounding caught off guard. And not at all like Blake. Maybe familiar, but my nerves made it difficult to concentrate.
“I usually try to work it into the conversation subtly, to let her know when I think a potential client is attractive. I wanted to make sure she understood the level of attractive we’re talking about here.”
“I’m flattered.” I could hear the smile in his words.
“Would you like a taste?” she asked him. What did that mean? Then her breath was warm on my neck. “I’m going to touch you now.”
I jumped when
her fingers dragged across the skin of my stomach. Lower, and lower. Was she going to–? Soft, delicate fingers stroked me. I tried to jerk away, but the straps kept me in place. I’d never fooled around with another woman. I could appreciate the beauty of the female body, but I never had any desire to explore anything outside of my own. I liked good, ole-fashioned sex, and knew I still had a lot to learn there. Adding women into the mix seemed overwhelming
It didn’t matter. Her fingers were stirring my folds where I was shamefully wet, and the slightest of moans slipped out before I could choke it back.
She drew her hand away from in between my legs, and there was a noise I couldn’t place, like a kiss. No, I figured it out. He was sucking on her fingers.
“Does she taste good?” Tara asked. Heat poured through my body.
“I’d like to drink straight from the tap,” he said. Oh god. Oh my god.
“There’s a fee for that, but I’ll waive it if we reach a deal.” I assumed that was acceptable to him because Tara again leaned over me and whispered in my ear. “Slide down near the edge of the table, and enjoy.” She sounded envious.
I did as asked, my trembling body gliding over the leather. When I was down far enough and my feet dangled awkwardly over the side, Tara’s warm hand closed around an ankle and lifted it, setting my foot on the flat surface of the tabletop so my toes curled over the edge. She guided the other ankle so I was laid out before him, my knees bent up in the air. Sliding down had also forced my arms to be bent up by my head.
The pads of his fingers were cold when they touched the inside of my knee and gently urged it to the side, opening me to him. My bottom lip quivered. No, my whole body quivered. The fingers dragged across the inside of my thigh until they reached the hollow where my legs joined my body. I wanted him to say something. I wanted him to—
“Fuck,” he said in a low, deep voice when his finger brushed over me where only a few men, and now Tara, had touched me, making me shudder. “You’re so wet.”
His touch was gone and replaced by warm air as his mouth hovered over my sensitive flesh. He kissed the hollow there, then just above my slit, then the inside of my thigh on the other side. Teasing me. Delicious anticipation grew and strangled my breath.
I bucked hard on the table when his tongue grazed me. One of his large, cold hands clamped down on a hip to hold me in place. The sensation wasn’t like anything I’d felt before. The blindfold focused everything on the pleasure that was spreading outward through my body from his indecent kiss. He licked me again, starting at the bottom of my entrance and all the way up to my clit.
“Oh my god,” I said out loud, and then went wooden. I wasn’t supposed to speak until spoken to, according to the contract.
“You like that?” He didn’t wait for me to answer, he just did it again. And again. The beginning of an orgasm developed off in the distance and then was right upon me when he eased a finger where I was soaking wet.
“She’s yours for twenty thousand,” Tara said. The logical side of my brain tried to function, but the physical part of my body was in control. That wasn’t true. This man, this total stranger, was in control of my body when he was fucking me with his mouth and finger.
“I was thinking more like nine,” he responded. Then his mouth was back on me. How could he negotiate like this? His head was buried between my legs, and she was just standing there, watching. The orgasm threatened closer still, and I moaned.
Nine was close. It was already more than I thought I could get, seeing as how Tara had said he was good looking. But Tara’s hand brushed over my ankle, demanding I focus. She could get him higher. I shook my head quickly at his offer, and then moaned when his tongue slipped inside me.
“She seems to like you.” Tara’s voice was sultry. “How about sixteen?”
“Ten.” He murmured it against the side of my thigh, his finger working in and out of me. Desire built, pinpricks creeping over my skin, begging for release.
“We both know she’s worth way more than that. Fifteen.”
His hand withdrew and it was cold as if he’d stepped back. No, the dirty voice in my head cried. He was going to leave me when I was so close. So close to not just what I needed, but so close to tumbling over the cliff into a sea of pleasure.
“Twelve.” His deep voice filled the room. My heart lurched and relief overwhelmed me. I barely noticed when Tara’s hand skimmed my knee. His hands and mouth had already shown me he knew what he was doing and promised I would enjoy it.
“Yes,” I whispered.
Tara’s hair fell on my arm when she drew close to whisper, “Are you sure? I think you’re leaving money on the—”
“Yes.” The need in me was too much already. How had he been able to bring me right to the brink so quickly? I was ready to pay him to get the tongue back.
“Congratulations, sir,” Tara announced. “She’s yours.” Her footsteps said she was moving to the door to leave us.
“Do you want to stick around?” he asked.
The footsteps stopped, hesitating.
“If you’d like me to watch, I wouldn’t mind.” Another wave of heat burned in my core with the thought of it. She’d almost sounded eager. She wanted to watch what he was going to do to me. Soft footsteps announced her return to the wingback chair.
The deal had been made and, honestly, I wanted it. I longed for his mouth to be where it had been before my orgasm had stalled. The excruciating ache between my legs took my breath away.
Fingertips traced over my right breast and made me flinch, and I gasped when his hot mouth closed around the nipple of my left. The ache in my center intensified when he sucked at me. Holy shit, I wanted him. Usually I loved foreplay, but I was out of control and desperate. My hand tried to push him down and show him what I wanted, but the dull thud of the restraint going taut answered back.
“Did I hurt you?” He’d bitten me gently a split second before I’d tried to move. It hadn’t hurt, not where he used his teeth.
“No, sir,” I replied, frantic.
He might have laughed; my brain was foggy with thoughts of lust.
“Then, what is it?” He didn’t sound concerned, he sounded smug. “What do you want?”
I was allowed to answer because he’d asked, so I tried to be sure not to waste my words. “I want your mouth between my legs again.”
“Where?” The sin in his voice was addicting.
I wasn’t huge into dirty talk, but since everything was getting thrown out, I let this go too. “My pussy.”
“Yeah? I believe this is mine tonight.” He buried a finger deep inside me, causing my back to arch off of the leather. He revived the stalled orgasm in two slow, wicked thrusts, and just as I reached the precipice, the hand was gone.
A frustrated whine tore from my lips.
There was the sound of clothes rustling and a zipper being undone.
“Condoms are in the top drawer beneath her,” Tara said. I’d already forgotten she was there, watching, and her voice was uneven and rushed. Was she turned on watching us?
The table barely moved when he opened the drawer and then shut it a moment later, a noise of foil tearing. I had mixed emotions about it. I craved what he was going to do, but I desired his mouth even more.
Wet, velvety bliss licked at me. His mouth was aggressive, sucking at the bundle of nerves, making me gasp. I climbed again, inching closer and closer, and he forced my body to writhe with need. While his mouth was busy, it sounded like he was fiddling with the condom, rolling it on.
His tongue ran over me again. As he pulled back, the faint stubble along his jawline brushed over the skin on the inside of my thigh.
“I’m going to fuck you now.” From his words I could tell he was standing again.
I moaned, a desperate cry of eagerness.
Hands slid under my legs and yanked my body down so my ass was just at the edge of the table and my bound wrists were above my head. Every muscle in my body went tense when the head of his dick
touched my entrance. The length of him slid once through my folds, either teasing me or making me aware that he was long. He lined up where he needed to be and pressed inside, just a tiny bit. I let loose a whimper. He was thick.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful,” he said, inching in. The words made my walls clamp down on him, an involuntary reaction that only made it harder for him to get inside. “And you’re so tight.” He withdrew and then pressed in again, further this time. I sighed. It was uncomfortable with his size, but the pleasure of the fullness overruled it.
“Do you want more?”
“Yes,” I said, breathless.
He pushed deeper, forcing his way. Even though I was wet, he was so hard and big, and it had been a long time for me. But the orgasm he’d held at bay reared its head and I was about to explode. He continued his descent into me, filling my mind with nothing but the sensation of his presence.
He buried himself as far as he could go, until he was completely inside, and ground his hips against me. “Now come for me.”
He’d known all along how close I was. And when he demanded it, holy shit, I gave it to him. I came hard in one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever had, bucking on the table, crying out a sob of pleasure. My body seized and convulsed, fighting against the straps. I’d wanted to reach out and grab something but there was nothing within range.
He didn’t move as I came on him and milked him with my body. I heard his rapid breathing followed by a deliberate long, slow breath as if he had to even himself out.
“I could watch that again,” he said. His smooth skin was on mine, warm, our bare chests pressed together. I could feel the crisp fabric of his button-up shirt on my sides, like he’d undone his shirt but not removed it. Lips skimmed my pulse on my neck. “Would you like me to make you come again?”
“Yes,” I said, still shuddering with aftershocks of my orgasm. He started to move deep inside. With me, sometimes a second, smaller orgasm piggybacks on the first, and I could feel the tendrils of this second one tugging me along, pulling me back up.
“I have rules,” he said. “You don’t get to ask questions, no matter what.” His deliberately slow, indecent rhythm made me crazy with need. “Do you understand?”